camp Vestia

online role-play game

Did your parents tell you stories about the fantasy world when you were young and couldn't fall asleep? I believe you heard about the fairies watching over you, the giants sleeping in mountains or the dragon guarding its territory. But what if it's all real?

the registration is open || November 19, 2023

number of players: 8/36

note: in case of great interest, we will increase the capacity

Welcome to the world of Halfeble. That's the name of people with unique powers showing up between 15 and 20 years of life. These people have the ability to see the world of the Supernatural - or "The world behind the veil", as they chose to call it. This world is hidden from human eyes behind a magical barrier. You can find there many magical creatures - we call them the Eble. But be aware, it is not like any fairy tale has said, these creatures are not nice. They will most definitely try to murder you when you come in contact with them.

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean is a small island, so tiny that it doesn't even have a name. There lies the camp Vestia - a place for humans with supernatural powers. Every summer the newfound Halfebles come here to practice their powers and learn to understand the magical world around them. They get to spend two whole months with people of their kind, it is an opportunity to find new friends and surpass themselves in the magic world.

Have you got a feeling that you could be one of us? Be aware, there is no coming back. So, are you ready for the adventure?


what is "rpg"?

Role-playing game; in this context, it's a type of texting game, where you create an OC (original character) to your liking and then type down what they are doing, saying, thinking... If you combine multiple players together, you create somewhat of a storyline. It can be really fun and a great killer of time.

is your rpg different?

Our RPG is led by the admins. There is space for individual games, however, we would also like to organise games for everyone (who has time). We have planned a storyline, which the game will follow.

how do I join?

It's simple! Just join our discord , where you can find more specific information and the registration form. You will have to create an OC and then you just wait for the game to start.

what if I have never played rpg before?

It is never too late to start! We will teach you everything we know from our own experience.

It's really simple - since we are using Discord for the game, you can use its features like bold or italic text etc. 

why to join us?

safe space

We are a friendly community that doesn't tolerate any kind of mean behaviour, this is a safe space for every person, you can be yourself without being judged.


We are a global server, it is a change to make friends all around the world. Don't be afraid to join if English isn't your first language, it's not even our admin team's mother tongue.


Or more likely loads of fun, the game is not going to be boring and we have many surprises prepared for you! We have admins with a sense of humor and amazing ocs prepared for you.


Not only can you improve your social skills and gain new friends, there is also the possibility of improving your writing skills and imagination.

time friendly

You don't have time to be online every day? Neither do we! We offer fun role-playing games in a manageable time schedule


I mean, what place is more magical that a magic camp on a magic island? Come live your fantasy dream and figure out what it's like to control magic.

our admin team

the one behind every drama, always here to help and answer your questions, not a robot thought!!



the chronically online one, will try to open the server as often as possible but if you need something, ping me

Áďa / BlueM


any pronouns

the one that doesn't really know what's happening but can make a really good drama out of it, always happy to help 




I won't be paying for your therapist in the end, so beware, I have loads of crazy ideas.
 I am very excited about this game and the characters (and also slightly terrified of Lee's crazy ideas). 
If I say "what if" - run. 


CZ/SK Text Online RPG

camp Half-blood fan server

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